Database Management System (DBMS)

Information and Communications Technology Database Management System(DBMS)


Learning Content /Topics

  • Database architecture and modeling
  • Three-Schema architecture
  • Categories of data models
  • Database design process
  • Database system development life cycle
  • Database design stages
  • Relational Data model
  • Relational Model terminology
  • Keys
  • Constraints
  • Relational algebra
  • Entity-Relationship model
  • ER concept & terminology
  • Entities, Relationship & Attributes
  • ER Diagrams
  • Mapping conceptual model in to relational schema
  • Introduction to EER modeling
  • Data Normalization process and the normal
  • Introduction to data normalization
  • 1st Normal Form (stNF)
  • 2nd Normal Form (nd NF)
  • 3rd Normal Form (rd NF)
  • Boyce-Codd Normal Form
  • Data manipulation using SQL
  • Introduction to SQL
  • DDL
  • DML
  • Physical database design
  • File structures
  • Storage devices
Subject...........Database Management System (DBMS)
NVQ Level.........5,6
Type..............Powerpoint Presentation 